Just Live Philosophy
As the Phoenix must burn to ash before rising from the ashes, so too is often the pattern of human growth. From a place of deep suffering comes a great need to stop the suffering. And from that great need comes a change from within.
Just live.
A change in the only place that matters. In the place between your ears. The place where suffering lives and thrives. Thrives off the nourishment of our need for misery. Humanity it seems, is genetically predisposed to find problems. And also, in the absence of problems, to create them.
Just live.
95 percent of our conscious minds time is spent in the irretrievable dead past or the unknown and perhaps nonexistent future. And yet we exist in reality 100 percent of our time in the the present moment. The moment of now. The only moment where decision, action , change , love, and gratitude are possible.
Just live.
After more than 60 years on this planet I now have a motto. “Just live” I’m not sure I need a motto but this one is mine. It’s simple and to the point. Of course the two words “just live” imply so much more than the obvious. But after exploring all those other things they surely also imply the obvious.
Just Live.
It’s simple and easy. And it goes against our natural predisposition. It goes against our ego. The misplaced story of concreteness of all we think we are. All we need to be. The great growing lie about our unique lives. Our special story encompassing all our struggles. All our hardships and mistreatments and betrayals and losses. And how we survived them. How we overcame. The thing that has shaped us into what we are and thing that makes demands on what we must be.
Our identity. Our ego. The great facade. They demand many things. But I say , just live.
The life happening around us which we call “our life” would be unfolding just as it unfolds even with our existence. It doesn’t need our permission to unfold. The universe simply “is”.
And we simply “are”.
We exist intertwined as one.
Just Live.
Dale Hawkins.
Explorer of life

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about me
Hi there. My name is Dale Wade Hawkins. It’s the name that was given to me at birth. It’s a fine name. There’s nothing wrong with it and that’s what I will go by.
I’m a human being. I’m a father. I’m a husband. I’m a son. I’m a brother. I’m a friend.
I am an explorer of this thing we call life.
Like most of us, I have done some things. I graduated high school with my friends. I graduated college. I went to another college and graduated there as well. I got married. I had children. I’ve lost people who were dear to me in this life.
I currently work talking to other human beings and at times recommending medication for those human beings.
As you can see, I do not like labels. They are limiting and misguided at best. At worst, they are great liars and troublemakers.
I believe we are all together on this planet, and in this universe. I believe I would like to live a worthwhile, purposeful, happy, and tranquil existence. I believe there are many others who would like the same. You are invited to join me on this great journey. Let’s just live. Together. Love and peace from Dale Wade Hawkins.